Tumaini Build Update 02

We are about five weeks into our campaign and just broke $53,000 mark. New photos have just come back from Tumaini and we’re excited to let you guys know that all steel work is complete, the concrete is ready to be poured, and electrical piping has been installed.

Our campaign progress has slowed down, which is to be expected in any campaign, so we are currently working to partner with companies to finish funding the build. If you know a company that might be interested in working with us to get Tumaini built, please drop us an email.

In the meantime, we’ve had some amazing supporters launch their own Crossbar campaigns and raise thousands of dollars. It is fun to see our following being so involved in what we are trying to do.

Please enjoy these new flicks of the build progress. Thank you!

-Taylor & Jordan


We Failed. Hard.


By Urban Pitch