The Tumaini Build Is Back On

With all of the negative going on in the world lately, we're excited to share something so positive with you. Here's the good news:

If you've been a part of our journey since Crossbar's inception, you know our mission is to help end poverty. We believe that education is the key so that's why we supply soccer goals and use 100% of our profits to build schools in developing countries.

Our first school build at the Tumaini Orphange in Kenya had a TOUGH timeline & deadline, but we went for it anyways because we love the kiddos at Tumaini. This timeline was in place to avoid the rainy season in Kenya. It would have been unsafe for the kids to be in their temporary mud hut classrooms during nonstop rain every day. When we failed to have the build done by December 31, 2019, we thought our dreams of getting these kids a school were over. But then, this small miracle:

When the pandemic hit, schools in Kenya closed down and the kids stayed put - safely - in their orphanage. In 3 days when June 1 hits, we will have officially SKIPPED the entire rainy season. Pretty crazy, but we will now be able to resume the build in safe conditions very soon.

We know the past few months haven't been easy on anyone, but we hope this rare piece of good news brings light to your world. We know it did to ours.

We'll be sharing regular updates on our Tumaini Project page. Here, you can read about our progress, donate to the build, or share our soccer goals.

Thank you to everyone who has helped us get this far. We are not done yet!!!


Bootbags Partnership Announecment


We Failed. Hard.